The tale of Prince Noctis and his companions Prompto, Gladiolus and Ignis is much more on rails on mobile, with each main quest propelling the narrative forward. The most notable difference between the Pocket Edition and its console counterpart is that it’s not an open world affair. The result not only works like a charm, it provides a blueprint for how the brand can continue to thrive on phones and tablets down the road.
With Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition, the company has devised a pretty ingenious solution, keeping the story and the gist of the gameplay intact while streamlining or eliminating other parts of Final Fantasy XV as needed. The problem that Square Enix has run into with ports of newer additions to the console franchise is how to get them onto devices with lots less memory and muscle under the hood. Because of how beloved the series is with gamers of all kinds, there’s never going to be a lack of Final Fantasy titles on mobile.